Through the Week.

Men’s Bible Study

Pastor Mike is leads a men’s Bible study on Thursdays at 7pm at 117 W Boscawen St. in Winchester at the church office. Men of all ages are welcome to attend.

Youth Group

Meet three days a month. More details here.

Young Adult Bible Study

At the Wallace's home. 117 Tyson Drive in Berryville. Wednesdays at 6pm. Dinner is provided.

Young Couple's Bible Study

Once a month on a Saturday. 9:30-11:30 at the Gum’s home 940 Browntown Road in Boyce. Childcare is provided. 

Joyful Noise Jam Session

Is a monthly (usually the third Sunday) worship jam session. Its goal is to give both student and experienced players an opportunity to play together, be encouraged, learn and worship. Bring your instruments and iPads. More details here.