meeting most Sundays at the Clarke County Fairgrounds
Check the calendar for this week’s meeting location

Join us for Revealed Ministries Transformation Retreat March 7-9th @ Historic Rosemont in Berryville, VA.
We’re teaming up with Crums Church again for our summer VBS. Prayerfully consider serving in this ministry.
Please join Emmaus Church and Church of New Beginnings for a joint Sunrise service at 6:30 on Easter Sunday morning. Jesus is risen!
A ministry for the hurting who are seeking strong Biblical counseling in a setting of acceptance and forgiveness.
How do we walk with the Lord in a renewal of life and a freshness that comes by his Spirit? Come find more freedom in Christ with us!
Please join us in blessing our pastor who works diligently for Emmaus Church and for the kingdom of God.
Join us at the Historic Rosemont Springs for a celebration of the goodness of God at Emmaus Church.
Are you in the trenches doing ministry, but feel you need more support to help those you are called to help?