Save Your “Stuff”
Don’t toss out those gently used items
Help us make a difference in the lives of the church body and our community.
Plan for the 11th Annual “FREE Clothing & Things” Exchange/Giveaway
We need – clothing & shoes; coats, hats, and accessories
Suitable for infants, children, youth and adults
Books, Household items, Furniture and Canned Food items also gladly accepted!
Bring your donations to the Clarke County Fairgrounds
890 W. Main Street Berryville, VA 22611
June 10-13 (Mon-Thu) donations received/June 14-15 (Fri/Sat) Giveaway dates.
If you’re able, please plan to stay and help us sort and swap & shop for yourself.
Donations are 100% tax deductible
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Plenty of opportunities, young & old,
*Get the word out
*Set-up Monday, June 10
*Sort donations – all week
*Greet shoppers-Friday & Saturday 9 - noon
*Tear down & Clean-up -
Saturday, June 15 - Noon ‘til finished
Sponsored by Emmaus Church